I produce a podcast for Harvard Magazine called Ask a Harvard Professor, that launched this September. From ideation to branding and design, I worked to purchase equipment, schedule guests, and record and edit episodes. Listen below:
I produce a podcast for Harvard Magazine called Ask a Harvard Professor, that launched this September. From ideation to branding and design, I worked to purchase equipment, schedule guests, and record and edit episodes. Listen below:
What makes a photograph art? A great photograph may be the result of artistry, or it may be the result of dumb luck: a fleeting, perfect composition captured by chance. At a time when there is a camera in every pocket, how do curators distinguish between documentary and artistic work?
Cities are an integral part of Earth's future: by 2050, 68 percent of the world's population will be living in an urban area. Solutions to social problems, from climate change to poverty, will therefore be tied to the fates of cities. In this episode, Glimp professor of economics Ed Glaeser explains why he is overwhelmingly optimistic about urban growth.
Mass murders committed with firearms are becoming more frequent In the United States. And the total number of gun deaths, a majority by suicide, is now on par with those caused by automobile accidents. None of this has broken the political gridlock in Washington that surrounds the issue of gun control.
Weed, ganja, pot, flower, dope, grass, bud: marijuana has many names, but an even greater number of chemical constituents, from THC, the psychoactive component, to cannabidiols such as CBD, often touted for its therapeutic potential.
There's a kind of academic corruption that most people have never considered. Not plagiarism. Not cheating on an exam. This is the kind of corruption that occurs when corporations and industry lobbying groups pay academics for expert testimony before Congress.